Join the growing number of Food Addiction Recovery Advocates (FARA) (formally ARC Manager Trainees) who are helping others gain peace with their food addiction.

FARA traineesĀ receive training in the science of recovery from addiction to processed foods.

In this respect, they are unique among peer support recovery.

They understand the depth of the trauma suffered by people who have been given food addiction by the addiction scientists in the food industry.

They know the long process of retraining the billions of reward, stress, cognitive, and mirror neurons altered by processed foods.

They know how to explain why overeating is not your fault.

You will be amazed at how working with the science sets people free from self-blame and even self-loathing.


I became a member of the ARC first. After the relief I experienced by working the program, I realized that I would love to train to help others with food addiction. The training for me has been just as amazing and revolutionary as the membership experience. I have learned in more detail the science behind why this works when nothing else has. I have learned how to deal better with my own addictions and how to talk with others about theirs. I have learned better ways of handling relationships. I have increased confidence. The list goes on and on. There is a level of support in this program which I have not experienced in any other training. I know I will continue to succeed. I have found my lifetime career.


My name is Jane and I am so glad you are considering becoming a ARC Manager. The number one reason to pursue this work is to support your recovery and as well as helping others from the misery of processed food addiction. We have a lot of fun, we support each other, and we are always looking for ways to improve. I hope you will join us!


My name is Cory and I'm part of the ARC Manager Training Program with Dr. Joan Ifland. I love all the benefits of working from home. I can control my environment, avoid office politics and the commute. I find it convenient and much less stressful to work from home. The ARC Manager Training has made a huge difference in my own recovery. As I prepare to help others with processed food addiction, the recovery education, skills, and training has strengthened my personal recovery. I love knowing the work I'm doing is helping others. I'm part of a community that's reaching out to help those who are seeking freedom from processed food addiction. That's something I'm proud to be a part of.


ARC Manager Training has been the missing link in my success as a Keto Lifestyle Coach. Since joining the ARC Manager Training I have been able to incorporate my growing understanding of Food Addiction and my training in ARC management techniques to support myself and my Keto clients in our recovery from food addiction.


I have never had a job training I couldnā€™t wait to attend. The knowledge is science based. I feel I have finally found my purpose after searching for so many years. This work is excellent for retirees or stay at home parents. We are improving others lives. This addiction robs us of an abundant life. I have lost years to this addiction, it caused me suffering and disease. Let it begin with me! Now that I know the truth I am not keeping silent. We need to get the word out to others; help stop the suffering of others. I am not giving one more dime of my money to those processed food manufacturers who have corrupted our food. We can break the chains of this addiction in our families, we can be an example. We participate in ARC exercises that help us overcome difficult situations without turning to the food! Consistent learning, Innovative ideas. There is so much need and this community is growing quickly. Come and be a part of this bright future!